Emerging Zoonotic and Wildlife Pathogens Book (and cartoons!)

Happy New Year, Blog Fans!

The Parasite Ecology blog has been quiet for the past few years, in part because I have been spending my writing and Powerpoint art energy on a new project: a book! It’s called Emerging Zoonotic and Wildlife Pathogens, and it is available as a hardcover or a paperback. The book isn’t exactly like my blog posts; there are more figures and photos, fewer puns and cartoons, and more smart content from my book co-authors. But if you’ve enjoyed the blog, you might also enjoy the book!

Whether a new book is in your future or not, I know that many of you have subscribed for the parasite puns and cartoons, so here are the first few promotional cartoons that I’ve made for a series of 52 cartoons/stickers promoting the book. Tell me which ones are your favorites! And whether you can figure out all the parasites/diseases that the cartoons represent. If you’re still using X, I’m also running weekly opportunities to win free stickers by snail mail.

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